Monday, March 24, 2008

A Dog Blanket To Take With You On Road Trips

Many of us dog owners love to bring our furry friend out on the road with us, whether it be just a short walk to the nearby park, or on long journeys across the country. Our dogs have to be kept warm and comfortable when they ride with us, as they are exposed to the weather and you certainly do not want them to fall sick. So one of the best accessories to have with you for the outdoors while with your dog is a dog blanket. Some dog blankets are also similar to dog clothes, so you can put them on your dog which makes them look even cuter while being kept cozy and protected from the elements. It is great fun dressing up your pup and certainly they do appreciate it as well.

If you happen to be driving across the country and your dog is coming along on the ride, having a dog blanket with you will not only provide it with a warm rest corner, it can also prevent your car seats from being covered by dog hair, which most dog blankets can help to do. Which dog blanket is the best to suit your needs? I am not sure as everyone's needs are different but there are many brands available so scout around and you'll be sure to find one. What kind of material should a good dog blanket be made of? There are many types that are good such as soft cotton or fleece blankets, or you can opt for tougher ones which are said to be better at collecting dropped dog hair.

Recently I bought a dog blanket which was just great for my needs as it not only helped with allowing my dog some luxury resting, my furniture is protected well from it as well. I am thoroughly enjoying using it and remember most good blankets are washable as well so there is no need to worry about having the hair ruining it. Certainly if you own a dog, it is an absolute essential dog accessory to have and will make your life so much easier!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A New Dog Blanket For My Pup

A few days ago I decided to splash out a few dollars on a new dog blanket for my little pup who had just about worn out his present one and was beginning to get all cold and shivering as the weather is still cold at this time of the year. Sometimes I feel that the warmth of the sofa isn't enough and by laying the dog blanket over it for the dog to rest on, it not only prevents your sofa from getting all clogged up with dog hair, there is an additional layer of warmth provided for your pet as well. While I only have dogs in my house, note that these blankets can also be used for your other pets like cats.

So what I got was an Oxford Prep dog blanket, which is a stripe quilted design, with lots of nice colored stripes which looks like the prep clothes won by Oxford or English student, which is perhaps the reason for the name. I wasn't sure what the blanket was made of, so I enquired about the material used. Apparently it is made of Sherpa fleece, which is really soft and smooth to the touch, and surprisingly retain warmth very well for a dog blanket. In fact, if it wasn't called a dog blanket, I might have used it myself in bed. That's how comfortable it was.

Here's a catalog picture of what the Oxford Prep dog blanket looks like:

Doesn't it look just so comfortable even without touching it? Well, for all that comfort and snazzy design, you have to shell out quite a bit for this dog blanket. However, I love it to bits and even my little pup has taken quite a liking to it, preferring to lie on it and for once, stop running round the house and driving me nuts, which does do my head in sometimes.

I cannot imagine getting another new dog blanket for awhile, since this one has quickly become a favorite of mine and my puppy. Hopefully it does not wear out too fast but it said that the material is machine washable so I will give it a test for some time. Still, I am keen to get more of it but it will be before I learn how to clean dog blankets properly as I seem to wear them out fast with each turn in the washing machine. Sometimes I have to wash it frequently as it seems that my pet sheds hair fast on the blanket and I wonder if I might be doing it wrongly. Most of these items are said to be pet hair blankets as well and should be able to wash cleanly and properly and removing the hair.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Love My Dog And Bought Him A Dog Blanket

I did not grow up loving dogs and certainly never thought of getting one as a pet, much less nowadays buying accessories such as a dog blanket, collar, and even a kennel for my trusty animal friend. However, when I eventually got round to having dogs around in the house and learning to understand and care for them, it was a wonderful realization of how incredible an animal a dog is and how much such a pet can mean to you when it is allowed into your lives. Earlier in my formative years, the phrase "A dog is man's best friend" always felt cheesy to me and I would then jokingly say "Does that mean a cat is man's worst enemy?" and ridicule my many friends who absolutely adored their lovable canines, while refusing to allow the pet dog of my aunt, who stayed with us during holidays, into my room and dropping its fur all over the place.

Cue a few years forward and after a personal incident in which I changed my opinion of these friendly animals, I finally got a dog of my own and learned how to train him, love him, and since then we have become the best of friends. Of course, in the beginning, my main problem was the smell of dogs which can be quite a turn off for any individual not into these furry creatures. There was also my dog's habit of runnning off onto the field and rubbing himself all over right after a bath and it always seemed a waste of time and effort. Now if you are a dog owner, you would know that showering and shampooing your pet dog can sometimes be a messy and time consuming event. And immediately after that they love to run your effort into the dirt so it was frustrating, until I realized that I had to train the dog the right things to do.

So, recently, I bought a new dog blanket for my dog, Patches. Now, there are two main kinds of dog blankets which are sold for pets and they could mean actual dog clothes which allow the canine to be dressed up or sleep in comfort, and keep them looking presentable. The other type of dog blanket is an actual blanket which is sort of multi-purpose. It can be used as a mattress or bed for the dog in his dog bed or kennel, or you can use it for the dog to lay on and prevent dropped fur or hair from being left all over your home and furniture. It was the latter that I bought as I do still have a problem with dog hair due to some allergies or really it is more of a sensitivity that my nose seems to pick up and sneeze out easily if any light irritant such as dust, smoke or hair starts to swirl around. I also wanted a clean and efficient way of dealing with the fur from the dog that was starting to be evident all over the house and a dog blanket that could collect that was a perfect solution. In the meantime, it could also function as an actual soft blanket that would keep Patches warm at all times when he rests in his doghouse.

I will talk more about other dog accessories that I have bought and found useful for Patches, and some others which seem a bit dodgy and you may wish to stay away from. But in the meantime, the dog blanket was a great little addition to the house that would keep him happy and clean, and my home as well.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tips To Use A Dog Blanket To Keep Your Home Free Of Fur And Odor

While dog owners naturally love their dogs and treat them as their best friends, there is undeniably extra effort required to keep their homes free for dog fur and odor, which can be unpleasant for visitors or other family members. While there is a great solution in that of using a dog blanket to help solve this problem, not many dog owners have enough information or knowledge to effectively use a dog blanket. The most common use would be the direct method of laying the dog blanket over a piece of furniture at home that the dog often uses for rest or play, such as the sofa or bed or even the floor carpet. This helps to collect the dog hair that is dropped unknowingly, and then disposal of it is done later and the blanket can easily be washed over many times.

Another method would be to use the dog blanket as your actual carpet if required, for the dog. Dogs love carpeting due to the smooth feel of it together with the warmth that is often captured and retained in carpet material. A good quality dog blanket provides the same effect and is an affordable substitute for carpeting that your dog might prefer but which you do not in reality require.

To get greater benefit from a dog blanket that will clean up dog hair, purchase one that is made of micro fiber or offers the same uses. With microfiber material, the blanket will be an instant magnet for dog hair and by placing this over your furniture or any area that your dog usually resides, it can be a heaven sent for cleanup of dog hair instead of having to sweep or use a vacuum to do so.

To get greater effect from using a dog blanket to keep your home fur free, combine it with using a vacuum, such as a HEPA rated vacuum which are fortified for helping to clean dog hair. Hand held vacuums used in conjunction with a dog blanket can also keep corners of your home devoid of dog fur, and unless the blanket has been stained by your dog waste, you can easily clean it using the vacuum. Black and Decker offers several powerful types of hand held vacuums which you may wish to find out more online or in your nearest electrical goods store.

Dog Blanket As An Essential Dog Accessory For Your Pet

One of the most essential dog accessories that your little best friend needs is a dog blanket. This accessory is basically a blanket that is made especially for use by dogs, and they provide comfort and warmth for their rest and also help to keep your home clean and free from dog hair and fur that will habitually drop from their hide just like how humans shed their hair throughout their lives. The material used by dog blankets are such that it can keep the dropped dog hair on the blanket and not allow it to be strewn all over the home, which can be quite a problem for other members of the family or friends who visit you.

Where can you get a good dog blanket? One of the simplest and fastest ways is to check the various online dog accessories stores that offer the product. There are a wide variety of brands available, some good, some which are not so durable. Dog blankets are also inexpensive for something that is so essential, and it would be worth spending a few dollars on something that can last for a long time, be a comfort for your favorite dog and keep your home clean and fresh for everyone. Another place to get this dog accessory is to go to your nearest pet store. While this is an extremely convenient avenue to purchase the blanket, they can sometimes be limited in the choices available. Do not be mistaken that you can simply choose any dog blanket available in the store, as you would not want to have to keep buying new ones, when a reasonably priced and reusable choice would be excellent value for money and for your dog. This can be overcome with the selections available online in dog specialty stores.

What other uses are there for dog blankets? One of the basic uses is to lay it over the dog bed which your pet sleeps in. This keeps your dog warm and prevents dog hair from collecting all over the bed. After some time, you can replace the used one and clean the previous dog blanket and then switch the two in cycles. In other words, it also functions as an accessory to keep the bed clean while providing comfort for your dog while resting. The dog blanket can also be used over your home furniture and even in your car, if you happen to bring your dog out on trips. Any dog fur that is dropped will stick to the blanket and this can prevent any extra effort required in cleaning your furniture and car after use by your pet.

Remember to ensure that the dog blanket that you purchase has been dog tested, to guarantee its quality, usability and durability. This avoids unnecessary frustration and inconvenience if it so happens that you need to buy better ones when making the wrong choices at the beginning. Also check to make sure the size of the dog blanket is large enough for your dog. They often come in various sizes so while there should be one available for any dog, you do not want to buy one that happens to be too small which would not be very useful.

Dog Blanket - Why You Should Use One

Offering your dog the best dog blanket treatment that it can ever get from a person who loves and cares for his or her dog is only expected if you treat it as your best friend. Give your dog a nice pleasant place to rest, with enough warm to keep it snug and cozy while it rests its tired body and mind from a day of keeping you company with play and protection. The most basic form can be a crate big enough to fit your dog’s body, and by laying a dog blanket over it, you can not only provide enough heat and warmth for your pet, it can also keep the resting place clean and ensure that any dog hair or fur will stay within it as dog blankets are capable of collecting shed fur or hair.

If you prefer to offer your dog something more extravagant and beautiful, perhaps a doghouse or kennel would be a great choice for it. Nowadays you can buy one cheaply from any online store or your nearest pet shop, either in readymade and completed form, or if you enjoy building your own dog kennel, you can decide on a particular design and build it from scratch using wood pieces and planks from carpenters. Once that is done, line the inside bottom of the doghouse with a dog blanket to provide the necessary and essential heat that will also stay within the dog’s home. Of course, do not forget to keep the dog blanket clean, and this can be done through regular washing and sunning to keep it smelling fresh as well. For this purpose, it might be a good idea to purchase two or more dog blankets which you can interchange for use in the dog kennel when necessary, while one is being washed, the other can be used by your pet dog.

Dog blankets can also be used anywhere else in your home as they are useful in preventing your dog from dropping its hair or fur all over the place. While you may love your dog, your family or guests visiting the place might be sensitive or allergic to dog hair. In this case, to keep your place free of it, lay a dog blanket over any place the hound likes to habitually lie on. This could be your sofa or even your bed. The blanket will collect any dropped hair and fur and thereafter you can dispose of the material easily.