Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Dog Blanket - Why You Should Use One

Offering your dog the best dog blanket treatment that it can ever get from a person who loves and cares for his or her dog is only expected if you treat it as your best friend. Give your dog a nice pleasant place to rest, with enough warm to keep it snug and cozy while it rests its tired body and mind from a day of keeping you company with play and protection. The most basic form can be a crate big enough to fit your dog’s body, and by laying a dog blanket over it, you can not only provide enough heat and warmth for your pet, it can also keep the resting place clean and ensure that any dog hair or fur will stay within it as dog blankets are capable of collecting shed fur or hair.

If you prefer to offer your dog something more extravagant and beautiful, perhaps a doghouse or kennel would be a great choice for it. Nowadays you can buy one cheaply from any online store or your nearest pet shop, either in readymade and completed form, or if you enjoy building your own dog kennel, you can decide on a particular design and build it from scratch using wood pieces and planks from carpenters. Once that is done, line the inside bottom of the doghouse with a dog blanket to provide the necessary and essential heat that will also stay within the dog’s home. Of course, do not forget to keep the dog blanket clean, and this can be done through regular washing and sunning to keep it smelling fresh as well. For this purpose, it might be a good idea to purchase two or more dog blankets which you can interchange for use in the dog kennel when necessary, while one is being washed, the other can be used by your pet dog.

Dog blankets can also be used anywhere else in your home as they are useful in preventing your dog from dropping its hair or fur all over the place. While you may love your dog, your family or guests visiting the place might be sensitive or allergic to dog hair. In this case, to keep your place free of it, lay a dog blanket over any place the hound likes to habitually lie on. This could be your sofa or even your bed. The blanket will collect any dropped hair and fur and thereafter you can dispose of the material easily.