Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tips To Use A Dog Blanket To Keep Your Home Free Of Fur And Odor

While dog owners naturally love their dogs and treat them as their best friends, there is undeniably extra effort required to keep their homes free for dog fur and odor, which can be unpleasant for visitors or other family members. While there is a great solution in that of using a dog blanket to help solve this problem, not many dog owners have enough information or knowledge to effectively use a dog blanket. The most common use would be the direct method of laying the dog blanket over a piece of furniture at home that the dog often uses for rest or play, such as the sofa or bed or even the floor carpet. This helps to collect the dog hair that is dropped unknowingly, and then disposal of it is done later and the blanket can easily be washed over many times.

Another method would be to use the dog blanket as your actual carpet if required, for the dog. Dogs love carpeting due to the smooth feel of it together with the warmth that is often captured and retained in carpet material. A good quality dog blanket provides the same effect and is an affordable substitute for carpeting that your dog might prefer but which you do not in reality require.

To get greater benefit from a dog blanket that will clean up dog hair, purchase one that is made of micro fiber or offers the same uses. With microfiber material, the blanket will be an instant magnet for dog hair and by placing this over your furniture or any area that your dog usually resides, it can be a heaven sent for cleanup of dog hair instead of having to sweep or use a vacuum to do so.

To get greater effect from using a dog blanket to keep your home fur free, combine it with using a vacuum, such as a HEPA rated vacuum which are fortified for helping to clean dog hair. Hand held vacuums used in conjunction with a dog blanket can also keep corners of your home devoid of dog fur, and unless the blanket has been stained by your dog waste, you can easily clean it using the vacuum. Black and Decker offers several powerful types of hand held vacuums which you may wish to find out more online or in your nearest electrical goods store.