Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Love My Dog And Bought Him A Dog Blanket

I did not grow up loving dogs and certainly never thought of getting one as a pet, much less nowadays buying accessories such as a dog blanket, collar, and even a kennel for my trusty animal friend. However, when I eventually got round to having dogs around in the house and learning to understand and care for them, it was a wonderful realization of how incredible an animal a dog is and how much such a pet can mean to you when it is allowed into your lives. Earlier in my formative years, the phrase "A dog is man's best friend" always felt cheesy to me and I would then jokingly say "Does that mean a cat is man's worst enemy?" and ridicule my many friends who absolutely adored their lovable canines, while refusing to allow the pet dog of my aunt, who stayed with us during holidays, into my room and dropping its fur all over the place.

Cue a few years forward and after a personal incident in which I changed my opinion of these friendly animals, I finally got a dog of my own and learned how to train him, love him, and since then we have become the best of friends. Of course, in the beginning, my main problem was the smell of dogs which can be quite a turn off for any individual not into these furry creatures. There was also my dog's habit of runnning off onto the field and rubbing himself all over right after a bath and it always seemed a waste of time and effort. Now if you are a dog owner, you would know that showering and shampooing your pet dog can sometimes be a messy and time consuming event. And immediately after that they love to run your effort into the dirt so it was frustrating, until I realized that I had to train the dog the right things to do.

So, recently, I bought a new dog blanket for my dog, Patches. Now, there are two main kinds of dog blankets which are sold for pets and they could mean actual dog clothes which allow the canine to be dressed up or sleep in comfort, and keep them looking presentable. The other type of dog blanket is an actual blanket which is sort of multi-purpose. It can be used as a mattress or bed for the dog in his dog bed or kennel, or you can use it for the dog to lay on and prevent dropped fur or hair from being left all over your home and furniture. It was the latter that I bought as I do still have a problem with dog hair due to some allergies or really it is more of a sensitivity that my nose seems to pick up and sneeze out easily if any light irritant such as dust, smoke or hair starts to swirl around. I also wanted a clean and efficient way of dealing with the fur from the dog that was starting to be evident all over the house and a dog blanket that could collect that was a perfect solution. In the meantime, it could also function as an actual soft blanket that would keep Patches warm at all times when he rests in his doghouse.

I will talk more about other dog accessories that I have bought and found useful for Patches, and some others which seem a bit dodgy and you may wish to stay away from. But in the meantime, the dog blanket was a great little addition to the house that would keep him happy and clean, and my home as well.